Weather in Palau by Month

Weather in Palau by Month

Palau State Information

Independent Yes
Country abbreviations PW, PLW (ISO 3166-1); See more abbreviations on AbbreviationFinder.
Official name Republic of Palau
Capital Ngerulmud
continent Australia and Oceania
A member United Nations, Pacific Community
Population 17 900 (2018); Source: Countryaah
Area 459 km
The highest point Mount Ngerchelchuus on Babeldaob (242 m, 794 ft)
The lowest point North Pacific Ocean
GDP per capita $ 15 859 (World Bank, 2018)
Currency US dollar ($, USD)
Telephone code +680
National domain .pw

Do you want to know what the weather is like in Palau and what the current weather forecast for Palau looks like? On our weather forecast pages for Palau you can see what the current temperature is, what temperatures you can expect in the coming days and what the feeling is. In addition, you can view the probability of precipitation, what type of precipitation is expected (for example, snow or rain) and approximately how much precipitation can fall within 24 hours.

The general weather picture is just as important as the temperature or the chance of precipitation. Will it be sunny or heavily cloudy? What is the wind direction and how high is the wind force? Thanks to our accurate weather data, you can get a good idea of ​​the weather conditions you may encounter within Palau.

Below you can see all the places in Palau for which we offer weather forecasts.

The weather in January

In January, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in January is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in January at this destination is around 7 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 20 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in February

In the month of February, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in February is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in February at this destination is around 7 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 17 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in March

In the month of March, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in March is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in March at this destination is around 8 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 17 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this results in a month with quite a lot of precipitation.

The weather in April

In the month of April, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in April is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in April at this destination is around 8 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 16 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in May

In the month of May, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in May is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in May in this destination is around 7 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 17 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in June

In the month of June, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in June is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in June at this destination is around 6 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 18 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in July

In July, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in July is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in July at this destination is around 6 hours per day. Within the entire month there is precipitation for about 19 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in August

In the month of August, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in August is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in August in this destination is around 6 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 20 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in September

In September, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in September is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in September at this destination is around 6 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 17 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in October

In October, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in October is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in October at this destination is around 6 hours per day. Within the entire month there is precipitation for about 19 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in November

In November, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in November is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in November at this destination is around 6 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 18 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

The weather in December

In December, the average maximum temperature in Palau is around 31 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in December is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in December at this destination is around 6 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 20 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for a wet month.

Palau Country Information

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