Prix ​​d’Amérique

Prix ​​d’Amérique

The Prix d’Amérique was started in 1920 as a tribute to the American effort during the First World War and is run on the Vicennes railway in Paris. It kicks off on the last Sunday in January every year when the winner receives a prize money of 450,000 Euros.

Visit the Prix d’Amérique

All big trotting races are big folk festivals, so is this big French race. Every year, between 40,000 and 50,000 people are attracted to see the world’s most skilled riders and fast horses make up for the victory.

According to Thereligionfaqs, Vincennes is a beautiful trotting track that is really hilly and less dosed than the Swedish trotting tracks. When the start signal goes, it is up to the driver and horse to find the best possible position to cut the 2700 meters as quickly as possible. The toughest horse, together with the smartest rider, is the winner.

Here you have the opportunity to eat well in the three panoramic restaurants, but you do best to book a table well in advance.

The trotting track is located about seven kilometers from the center of Paris, in the Bois de Vincennes. In Paris, there are plenty of accommodation options and it is easy to get to Vincennes municipality, including by metro.

Wood of Vincennes

The small town offers most hotels and other types of accommodation. Here you will find several restaurants, cafes and sights, a most famous Château de Vincennes – the castle that once guarded Paris and protected its rulers. The king left the castle, which instead became a prison with inmates such as the Marquis de Sade, Fouquet and Mirabeua. Today it is an appreciated destination.

Swedish winner in the winner’s circle

Swedish drivers are sought after as they are skilled and have won the race a number of times.
1950: Sören Nordin with Scotch Fez.
1973: Berndt Lindstedt with Dart Hanover.
1993: Stig H Johansson with Queen L.
1995: Helen A Johansson with Ina Scot. Helen was the first woman to start – and win – the Prix d’Amérique!
2006: Dominiek Locqueneux with Gigant Neo. Coach was Stefan Melander and also coaches hailed in the winner’s circle.
2014: Örjan Kihlström with Maharajah.
2018: Björn Goop with Readly Express.
2020 and 2021: Björn Goop with Face Time Bourbon. Goop is the first Swede to win the Prix d’Amérique three times!

Wins and horses to remember

The first Prix d’Amérique was won by the French horse Pro Patria with the driver Theodor Monsieur.

Uranie won the Prix d’Amérique three years in a row. Maybe she would have won more times if she had not been “punished” for her superiority and received several meters extra.

Ourasi is the warm-blooded winner of the Prix d’Amérique four times.

Stig H Johansson was unique in 1993 when he sat completely still in the sulky, unlike his French colleagues who were bushy and pushed hard. Queen L stayed if you pushed on.

The world's most prestigious and tough trotting race

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